Performance so far

Since the start of 2012 I have:

Gained 2.94% (excluding dividends and costs) of my investment - and the market is up 26.30% according to Google Finance

Been rated in the 65th percentile of all listed OEIC managers (including dividends and costs - assuming that the market-average 1.6% per annum TER is charged across the board)

Achieved an average yield of 1.44% (averaged over the last twelve months) - compared to a market average of 2.8% (according to Digital Look).

Invested in a way that should deliver a pension around 48% of the value of my current income, based on current annuities and growth rates

Monday, 28 May 2012

I CareTech.......

Just placed an order after a good session with L looking at the next investment.  We reviewed a whole load of companies off the watchlist - United Utilities, National Express Group, AstraZeneca, EnCana Corporation, Zipcar, and CareTech.

Regular blog readers, if such people exist, will know I have been keen on CareTech for well.....ages.  They are a specialist care home provider for adults and children with mental and physical disabilities.  I went to their office once and they certainly don't splash the cash on unnecessaries like flashy offices - but they do make sure they pay consistent, increasing dividends (4.65% as I write, according to Google Finance) twice per year.

Like the whole care sector, the wonderful Southern Cross has smashed their share price to pieces (down 66.49% over five years) - pretty much totally unfairly based on the business I am looking at today.  Very few analysts review them - but those that do are big fans according to Yahoo Finance.  So, with Southern Cross in mind it is a massive contrarian purchase - but equally should be resilient based on the contracts it has with local government.

I've tee'd up a big buy tomorrow - I looked at the market situation which is definitely a "down" at the moment - so boosted my investment by 10% (as detailed earlier).  Should be a good long term bet - I suspect that once they are back in favour they will form a good nucleus for a private equity buy and build strategy.

Good news this evening too about pastys.  Greggs should bounce tomorrow morning.

Wednesday 4th July (Independence Day theme anyone?) should be my next investment date.

Monday, 21 May 2012

More arithmetic

I have been thinking recently about how fast I am buying into shares.

Why?  Because I am buying into shares faster than I am placing cash into my SIPP and this is unsustainable.  Initially this was fine because I needed to get cash "working", but now I am in a situation whereby I have 1/3 cash and 2/3 stocks and shares - so I need to slow down.

So, to calculate my new interval between investments I am working on the basis of investment value divided by rate of cash accumulation (assuming 30.42 days per month).  At the current rate of cash going into my SIPP, this means I should be making an investment every 39 days. 

My last investment took place on the April 18th, making the next investment day 26th May.  Am very excited about the next one because the markets are in tatters at the moment.

(Furiously shorting Facebook, in my head)