Performance so far

Since the start of 2012 I have:

Gained 2.94% (excluding dividends and costs) of my investment - and the market is up 26.30% according to Google Finance

Been rated in the 65th percentile of all listed OEIC managers (including dividends and costs - assuming that the market-average 1.6% per annum TER is charged across the board)

Achieved an average yield of 1.44% (averaged over the last twelve months) - compared to a market average of 2.8% (according to Digital Look).

Invested in a way that should deliver a pension around 48% of the value of my current income, based on current annuities and growth rates

Sunday, 5 May 2013

Who ate all the pies?

I appear to have done so.  Ask my wife - I love Greggs, and it might be starting to show.

Sadly for Greggs, the stockmarket did not love their latest results .... and it showed.  On the 29th April the share price dropped more than 10% off the back of some fairly tedious results - like for like sales were down 4.4% during the last quarter.  Why?  Well, bad weather has been blamed.

I already held Greggs in my portfolio before the drop ... and I am very happy to load up on some more.  Why, you might ask?

Well, look at my investment criteria:
  • Be contrarian - I bought in as others sold out
  • Seek dividends greater than 3% - tick, Greggs is at 4.88% and the board will be keen to defend that 'rising dividend every year since listing' reputation
  • Exposed to lots of markets - not really, these guys stick to the people they know, who tend to be Scots and those from northern England
  • Get Laura's approval - aside from the obesity issue, she's very happy with Greggs
  • Never buy on a Monday - nope, bought these bad boys on a Tuesday
A handy addition to the portfolio, let's hope.

Unlike African Barrick Gold, which continues to pile in - my investment has now lost just shy of 61% of it's value.  How annoying.

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